Brownfield Opportunity Area
Through the New York State Brownfield Opportunity Area Program, Brownfields and Vacant Properties are transformed from liabilities to community assets.
How do you want to see your neighborhood improve?
Designated areas support:
• New businesses, jobs, and revenues
• Opportunities for new housing and public amenities
• Evaluate community needs (transportation, resilience)
• Attract funding for contaminated site cleanup
In 2022, the Staten Island Economic Development Corporation, using funding from New York State, began a North Shore Brownfield Opportunity study that will result in a formal nomination to the Department of State for official Brownfield designation, while addressing contaminated sites, access to open space and the waterfront, transit and walkability issues, affordable housing, and flood hazard/risk.
The Bay Street Corridor of Staten Island has suffered from a lack of master planning and connectivity. However, recent City-funded studies and major public and private investment in capital projects are beginning to change this. The Bay Street Corridor of Staten Island received a Downtown Revitalization Grant from the State of New York to support overall economic development efforts in this rapidly growing area and in 2020, SIEDC completed an NYCOER funded Place-based Community Brownfield Planning Report to both enhance the existing DRI effort and address issues not specifically discussed or funded through the DRI. One of the identified major challenges to the future development of the 2.36 square mile on the eastern end of Staten Island's North Shore including the neighborhoods of St. George, Tompkinsville, Stapleton, Clifton and Rosebank, is the presence of a high number of vacant and potentially contaminated sites.
The final study is expected to be released in late 2023.
We want to hear from you. Join us on October 26 for our next public meeting.
North Shore BOA Public Meeting
May 9, 2023
Recently, the SIEDC Projects Division held a public meeting at the St. George Theatre detailing the work currently underway for SIEDC's North Shore Brownfield Opportunity Area project a.k.a Bay Street Corridor Brownfield Opportunity Area. The SIEDC is currently working with Greener by Design along with BFJ Planning, TwentyTwenty Public Affairs, Galli Engineering and BJH Advisors to complete this project. The team answered the public's answers about what exactly a BOA is and the potential the BOA, once designated by New York State, has on the North Shore. About 40 attendees were at the meeting from business owners, business operators, residents and property owners. If designated, the North Shore could see potential in business growth, job opportunities, new housing and other transformations. Big thanks to Luanne Sorrentino and Doreen Cugno of St. George Theatre for lending the space to host the meeting.
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